Xiaoquan Zhao
George Mason University
“Message Fatigue and Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters”
March 10, 2023, 12-1 p.m.
Online via Zoom
Click here to watch the recording.
John Besley
Michigan State University
“Making Science Communication More Strategic”
May 5, 2023, 12-1 p.m.
Online via Zoom
Click here to watch the recording.
Spring 2023: Dr. Xiaoquan Zhao, Professor, George Mason University; Dr. John Besley, Ellis N. Brandt Professor of Public Relations, Michigan State University
Fall 2023: Dr. Angela Cooke-Jackson, Professor, Department of Communication Studies, California State University – Los Angeles, Co-director, Intimate Communication Lab; Dr. Brian Southwell, Senior Director, Science in the Public Sphere, Center for Communication Science, RTI International
Spring 2022: Dr. Shawnika Hull, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Rutgers University; Visiting Professor, Center for
AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California – San Francisco and Dr. Emily Vraga, Associate Professor, Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Fall 2021: Dr. Nathan Walter, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies and Faculty, Center for Communication and Health, Northwestern University and Dr. Jiyoung Lee, Assistant Professor, Journalism & Creative Media, University of Alabama
Watch presentations from our virtual seminar speakers here.
Watch presentations from our distinguished speakers here.
Fall 2019: Dr. Rajiv Rimal, Professor and Chair, Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Spring 2019: Dr. Robert Hornik, Wilbur Schramm Professor of Communication and Health Policy, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylania
Fall 2018: Dr. Susan Morgan, Professor of Communication, Associate Provost for Research and Development, University of Miami
Spring 2018: Dr. Daniel O’Keefe, Owen L. Coon Professor of Communication, Northwestern University
Fall 2017: Dr. James P. Dillard, Distinguished Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
Spring 2017: Dr. William Klein, Associate Director, Behavioral Research Program, Director of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute
Fall 2016: Dr. Bradford Hesse, Chief, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, National Cancer Institute
Spring 2016: Dr. K. “Vish” Viswanath, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Director of the Health Communication Core of the Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Fall 2015: Dr. Robin L. Nabi, Professor, Department of Communication, University of California – Santa Barbara
Spring 2015: Dr. Gary Kreps, University Distinguished Professor, Director, Center for Health and Risk Communication, Department of Communication, George Mason University
Fall 2014: Dr. Joseph N. Cappella, Gerald R. Miller Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
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