Jungmi Jun (Ph.D., George Mason University) conducts research in Health and Strategic Communication. She is particularly interested in examining health information disparities among underserved populations and communicating preventive care and medical tourism issues with the populations. You may find her research publications in influential medical, health, communication, and PR journals including American Journal of Health Behaviors, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Journal of Cancer Education, and Public Relations Review. Her work has received top/best paper awards from the National Communication Association and the Global Health Conference. Currently, Jun is serving as a Research Scientist of the Center for Health and Risk Communication at the University of Maryland. She is examining mobile communication strategies to promote Integrated, Personalized, Real-time Traveler Information and Incentive (iPretii) technology funded by the Department of Energy. Before joining the CHRC, she was an Assistant Professor at Wayne State University and the University of Northern Iowa.
Contact: jun@gumd.edu