Irina Alexandra Iles (M.A., University of Maryland) is a doctoral candidate specializing in the application of persuasive communication to health contexts. She uses quantitative research methods to explore the interplay between message properties, cognition, and emotion with the goal of promoting attitude and behavior change. Irina is also interested in potential byproducts or unintended consequences that persuasive health messages may have at the individual and societal level. Her research has been published or is forthcoming in outlets such as Health Communication, Journal of Health Psychology, American Journal of Health Behavior, Health Education, Health Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Risk Research, Communication Review, and the Sage Encyclopedia of Health Communication. She has earned top paper awards in health communication at National Communication Association, International Communication Association, and Eastern Communication Association conferences. Irina has worked on several grant-funded projects and has been an Intern with the Food and Drug Administration for two summer terms.
Contact: irina.ies@gmail.com